What Should You Know About The Working Procedure Of Dental Implants?
Dental implants can be used to replace teeth after suffering from a tooth loss. It is a metal device made out of titanium especially to replace a missing tooth. Dentists sometimes also use a titanium screw and insert it into the jaw where the tooth is missing to provide support for the crown. A dental implant is permanent, and once the jaw bone heals, it fuses around the implant, securing it into place.
How do they work?
It is surgically anchored into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth in place and provide table support to them. The most significant benefit of the dentures and bridges that are mounted to the implants are that they do not slip or shift in your mouth while eating or speaking.
To get dental implants, you need to have adequate bone and a healthy gum so that it can support the implant. A lot of care goes behind keeping them in proper shape and structure.
Two types of implants are considered safe:
· Endosteal implants- They are directly implanted into the jawbone and a second surgery are done to connect the post to the original implant.
· Subperiosteal implant- A metal frame is fitted just below the gum onto the jawbone. As soon as the gum heals, the frame made of silk sutures fixes to the jawbone.
An implant is better than ordinary bridges and dentures, as they are more comfortable and no adjacent teeth have to be prepared or grounded down to hold the new replacement in place. You can now contact Dental Implant Technologies to know more.