If you are looking for a read about polypropylene suture, then precisely landed on the right page. Here is the blog that shares factful content on it. This will definitely help you know its benefits and uses.
The Overview About Polypropylene Suture:
Typically, a polypropylene suture is a non-absorbable surgical suture that is composed of an isotactic crystalline stereoisomer of polypropylene. It’s a synthetic linear polyolefin. The suture is pigmented in a blue colour that enhances visibility. It helps achieve excellent tensile strength by eliciting minimal tissue reaction. Polypropylene suture doesn’t cause any tissue rupture and ensures smoother riding on the tissue while suturing.
The Uses of Polypropylene Suture:
The ample uses or purposes of polypropylene suture are as following;
- It is used in general soft tissue approximation and ligation.
- Widely used in sutures for cardiovascular, ophthalmic, plastic, neurological surgeries, micro procedures, and hernia repair.
- It is useful for permanent fixtures but not subjected to weakening by tissue enzymes.
- Offers excellent tensile strength.
- It helps reduce inflammation, causing less tissue irritation.
- Ensures low tissue reactivity.
- Exhibit excellent knot security.
The Final Verdict:
Whether it’s any medical procedure like neurological surgeries, hernia repair, etc., polypropylene sutures are widely used. It’s safe and effective and ensures greater tensile strength and other medical-related permanent fixtures.